by dedalus
On 5 September, Janie M. was working at her family's business, a bridal shop, in Asheville, North Carolina.
That morning, Guy P. and Rhoda B. came into the shop looking at wedding dresses for their purported wedding. After some time, Rhoda pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Janie.
Guy ordered Janie to place a note on the door of the store saying, "Be Back in One Hour."
Subsequently, Janie M.'s daughter, Julia, entered the store and was forced to lie on the floor of the dressing room where she and her mother were bound and gagged by Guy.
Soon thereafter, Kathleen B. entered the shop to return a tuxedo but was also tied up and forced by Guy to lie on the floor of the dressing room along with Janie and Julia.
Thereafter, Winston P. and Anatoli H. entered the shop and were forced to lie on the floor in an area away from the dressing room where Guy tied them up, taped their mouths shut and took their wallets.
Subsequently, Jeanna M.W., another daughter of Janie M., came into the shop with her five-month old baby whereupon Rhoda pointed a gun at the baby's head. Upon Guy's order, Jeanna then put the baby into a crib located in the shop.
Despite Jeanna's pleas to hold the baby because it suffered from a breathing disorder and because she was breast-feeding the child, Guy refused to allow her to hold the child.
Guy then forced Jeanna to the dressing room where Kathleen and Julia already lay bound and gagged and similarly forced Jeanna to lie on the floor where he bound and gagged her.
Meanwhile, acting on Guy's instructions, Rhoda took Janie at gunpoint from the dressing room to the office and forced her to write a check made payable to Guy in the amount of $400.00, the amount in the shop checking account.
Thereafter, Janie M.'s husband, John, came into the shop whereupon Guy also tied him up on the floor and taped his mouth shut.
Having written the check to Guy, Guy retied Janie M. on the floor but did not return her to the dressing room with the other three bound women who lay side by side.
Using scissors, Guy cut the clothes off of the three women in the dressing room. Guy fondled Jeanna's breasts and put his finger in her vagina. Guy also fondled the breasts of Kathleen and moved the lips of her vagina with his fingers. Kathleen told Guy that she was menstruating.
Guy fondled Julia's breast and inserted his finger in her vagina. He then pulled out his erect penis and inserted it in Julia's vagina. He then had vaginal sex with her while holding scissors to her throat
and telling her to shut her eyes. After withdrawing his penis from her vagina, he ejaculated on her stomach and throat.
During sex with Julia M.S., Guy also held scissors to the throat of Jeanna W. and told her to keep her eyes shut.
Guy and Rhoda then fled the bridal shop leaving their victims tied up and lying on the floor including the three young women in the dressing room who were left lying naked.
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