by Ravi (London, England)
I am Ravi aged 26yrs.My Mom Rita aged 42yrs.We only Mom and son stay in our own home. She is a widow.
One night I came home late at night. Mummy was sleeping in her room. I saw she was sleeping in a see-thru negligee. Her breasts were visible through the clothes. I went close and could not control myself and I placed my hands on her breasts. I cupped her breasts. Mom woke up and saw me.
I pushed her down and placed my lips on her lips and gave her a kiss. Mom did not oppose. We opened our mouths and let our tongues go inside each other's mouth and tasted each other's saliva. She liked the massaging of her breasts. We both smooched for 10 minutes.
Then I removed my clothes and Mom's bra and panties and lay down beside my naked Mom. I kissed her vulva and tongue her clitoris. Mom took my circumcised penis inside her mouth and started sucking it. We both were preparing for intercourse. When we were heated up,
Mom spread her legs apart and placed my penis tip on her vaginal entrance and told me to enter my penis inside her birth canal(vagina) I pushed and found some difficulty while entering inside. Slowly by slowly I entered my penis inside as her vagina relaxed and resistance of her cunt subsided.
Mom said she was having sex after a long gap and her vagina took time to adjust to the size of my cock. After about 10 mins I was inside my Mom's pussy up to the hilt. Mom's vagina had encased my penis like a piston and cylinder. I could feel her cunt muscles twitching on my thick cock adjusting to the size of my thick cock.
We then started mutual fucking. The friction between her vaginal muscles and my cock muscles gave an awesome feeling and both were enjoying fucking with each other. Slowly by slowly we were rising to reach climax.
We both son and Mom climaxed simultaneously and I ejaculated my semen deep inside Mom's cunt. My Mom groaned with pleasure and climaxed and released her love juices to bathe her lover's manhood. We had intercourse twice that night.
Then we went to sleep. It then became a routine of having sexual intercourse every night. One night my Mom said shyly that her periods were overdue and she was pregnant. I was overjoyed to hear my Mom was pregnant with my child in her womb. A visit to the doctor next day confirmed the pregnancy! MY OWN MOTHER WAS PREGNANT WITH MY CHILD!
Mom said she was two months pregnant. The baby will grow and my belly and breasts will grow and get bigger. We must leave this place before my baby bump becomes visible. Within two days marriage arrangements were made and I married my own Mom.
Our relationship changed and my own Mom became my wife and I became Mom's husband. We sold our house and went to America where nobody knew us and I took great care of my Mom. As her pregnancy period increased her baby bump became bigger. On full term of her pregnancy, Mom was admitted to hospital for delivery. A baby girl was delivered by Caesarean Section.'
We both husband and wife (Mom and son) were very happy on our first-born child. We had another child after a gap of three years. Our family is complete!
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